The University of Lincoln is a world renowned and established university and has an impressive employment rate with as many as 92 percent of their graduates either in employment or further study within six months of finishing a course. They also rank in the top ten of universities for student satisfaction and were nominated for the title ‘Entrepreneurial University of the Year’ 2013. It is this desire to provide satisfaction that has led the University of Lincoln to install Assistive Listening Devices in the form of Ampetronic hearing loops, it also ensures that they adhere to the Equality of Access Act of 2010.
Moot Court lecture theatre – A pair of ILD500 amplifiers have been used in correlation with a custom design, helping to control spill so that it does not interfere with systems in adjacent rooms, this was achieved through meticulous simulation. This 105 seat lecture theatre now provides those with hearing loss equal access to all of the same audio experience including the screen and input devices.
BL 2048 Lecture Theatre – This is an impressive 250 seat lecture hall, a pair of ILD500 amplifiers setup with a Phased array loop system provided all of the necessary area coverage within this room. The magnetic overspill was not seen as a problem here as there were no adjacent systems to consider.
Harvard Lecture Theatre – The prestigious named Harvard Lecture Theatre has an unusual horse shoe shape to the seating arrangement, therefore a bespoke Phased Array Design was created to reflect this. A pair of ILD500 amplifiers have again been used to drive the loop. It was identified as non-essential to control the spill from this particular room so the design was not designed to control spill.
The installer Quadrant Visual Solutions performed some remarkable work with the installation of the hearing loops and implemented of our designs and equipment perfectly. The resulting hearing loop systems are IEC60118-4 standard compliant and have been truly providing value for students with hearing loss.
Equipment used: