The Wellcome Collection is a prestigious visitor centre in London’s Euston road, the £30 million centre is a gallery, library, club, café, conference centre, book shop and public events forum. With such a diverse offering for the ‘incurably curious’ the Wellcome Trust wanted to provide an equal audio experience for all of the collections visitors. It decided that the installation of induction loop systems was the greatest solution to assist the Hard of Hearing and deaf community that attend.
Ampetronic induction loop systems were installed throughout the Wellcome collection which includes the Main Circulation Area, Conference Centre Auditorium, Forum, Seminar Room 1, Seminar Room 2 and Seminar Room 3. With several systems installed so closely together cross talk was a potential issue, this was resolved with our low-spill designs and powerful induction loop drivers. To ensure the most comprehensive coverage of the areas a copper wire was used instead of the traditional copper tape, this gave us additional strategic positioning whilst still providing the greatest coverage.
Installed by Sarner LTD, both our induction loop drivers and design work have been highly spoken of with Shane Stanley from Sarner saying that “Ampetronic has done numerous projects with us in the past. We know the company, we trust them and so they’re the ones we go to,” He continues, “they have the ability to take any brief we give them and come up with as near a perfect solution as possible. This not only makes for very accurate systems, but also unsurpassed reliability.”
Equipment used:
- Main circulation area – ILD122 Phased array kit and Ampetronic low spill design.
- Conference centre auditorium – ILD500 Phased array kit and Ampetronic low spill design.
- Forum – ILD122 Phased array kit and Ampetronic low spill design
- Seminar room 1 – ILD300 Phased array kit and Ampetronic low spill design.
- Seminar room 2 – ILD500 Perimeter loop.
- Seminar room 3 – ILD500 Perimeter loop.
Image credit – Wellcome Library, London