Loopworks Measure R1 field strength meter

Loopworks Measure R1 field strength meter

  Price: £204.40 + VAT(inc shipping) Use the following Buy Now Link to order your receiver today.You will be presented with the option to complete the transaction by card if you don't have a PayPal account.For international customers PayPal will automatically...
Loopworks Measure iOS app

Loopworks Measure iOS app

Loopworks Measure iOS App   Loopworks™ is a suite of online and App based tools and resources that enables customers to specify and design hearing loop systems. Loopworks Measure combines an iOS phone or tablet App that utilises a self-calibrating receiver....
HLS-2D Metal Loss Test Driver

HLS-2D Metal Loss Test Driver

Metal loss testing Determining metal loss and background noise levels are important steps in designing hearing loop systems to avoid loss of an intelligible signal and to meet the IEC 60118-4 international standard. To correctly assess an area for metal loss and...
CMR3 Calibrated measuring receiver for audio analysers

CMR3 Calibrated measuring receiver for audio analysers

Calibrated to provide 0dBu output for a field strength of 400mA/m RMS, in accordance with the international induction loop Standard IEC60118-4 it is an essential tool for anyone wishing to assess loop system performance for analyses or certification. Applications...