Ampetronic training programme covers a broad range of topics ranging from DDA legislation and standards, specifying loop systems for different situations both simple and complex, amplifier specification, input audio design, loop installation, survey and commissioning to system maintenance.
“A good loop system requires careful design – far too many systems are installed without consideration of the loop configuration, the input audio systems and the need to provide intelligibility,” explains Ampetronic managing director Julian Pieters. “As a result, we see many systems which fail to provide benefit to the hard-of-hearing or meet the requirements of legislation. We are committed to changing this through the education of those who specify, install and use induction loop systems.”
Ampetronic’s aim is to raise the professional standards for loop installations and consequently the reputation of loop systems. On the course, they highlight quick and simple processes for correct loop specification, impart knowledge on how to specify, design and install loops that meet standards and deliver intelligible sound first time every time, teach how to recognise good systems and how to maintain them.
Mark Lawday technical manager of Deaf Alerter Plc, a company that frequently installs Ampetronic loop systems, was one of the first attendees. “The training was extremely well thought out and organised,” he comments. “It has had a significant impact on our ability to produce design, installation and maintenance services for induction loop users.”
“There wasn’t a single engineer who went who didn’t come away knowing more than when he started. Such is our commitment to providing quality services that we sent all our installation and maintenance engineers on one course, and then Ampetronic provided a less detailed introduction to induction loops for our sales team as well. It has given them a far better idea of what’s achievable in the provision of induction loops.”
Ampetronic is offering dates for training for individuals or groups throughout the year. Details are available at