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Chantier Couvent St Lazare Marseille synthèse

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AMPETRONIC, pioneer and global leader in magnetic induction loops for hearing impaired

Builder: Versatile Audiovisual room
Client: Dominican Convent St Lazare – 13006 Marseille
Installer: Electroacoustics Consultant – EAC, 
84190 Beaumes de Venise

As part of the renovation and expansion of this Convent, located within the heart of Marseille, a multipurpose room was to be completed, including quality audio visual equipment and a magnetic Induction Loop system for the hearing impaired.

Audio Equipment
The audio broadcast is produced by  STRASSER 105 speaker columns. These speakers were chosen for their audio quality and perfect control of their directionality. They are powered by a QSC amplifier with two channels to obtain homogeneous coverage. Dual EQ adjustments were made to the measurement bench, allowing on one-hand, the optimization of the spoken word, and on the other, messages less optimizing such as music, movies, etc.. Four levels for speech sounds are preset. Catch enable connection of different microphones, PCs, and auxiliary sources.

A HF mobile microphone is also available.

Video Equipment 
The room is equipped with a SANYO video projector installed at height. This device is permanently connected to a DVD player and can receive various sources such as: computer, Internet, etc.

An infrared remote allows easy management of the facility.

Commissioning, measurement and regulation 
After checking the resistance and impedance of the loop, a first level adjustment of the magnetic field was
achieved. The frequency response was checked and balanced. He was then carried out a control
homogeneity of the magnetic field and precise adjustment thereof in accordance with the requirements of the standard NF-EN 60118-4. Audio quality was also monitored.

The customer has a hearing loop tester AMPETRONIC type ILR3 to control the proper operation of the loop. It should be noted that these testers hearing loops are also very useful for people hearing no prosthesis.

Determination of magnetic induction loop
The audiovisual room is installed in a new building. It was therefore necessary to take into account losses and disruptions due to the presence of reinforcements in concrete. Despite the experience these losses are still difficult to assess. Normally, the such circumstances, and given the size of the room, a system of loops
phased pins, placed on the ground should have been retained. This provision overcomes largely disturbances due to the metal. However, the simulations showed that it was at a tipping point and that, depending on the value of losses metal taken into account, a simple loop perimeter, easier to implement
implement and less expensive, could be considered. Field tests have been made and have demonstrated that indeed a single loop, installed at the right height, could be accepted. The loop passes through the walls and cons of bleeding and is invisible. It is powered by an amplifier type AMPETRONIC ILD1000G.

Exclusive distributor for France: BIM Concept France
Registered office: The High Rouaudière – 44330 MOUZILLON – temp +33 (0) 2 40 43 27 08 – Fax +33 (0) 9 72 14 34 11